There are different restaurants near the hotel. Please ask at the reception for any recommandation.
It is possible to eat at the hotel, we propose you a Menu with a lot of choice to eat in.
The Menu is the following :
Starters :
Vegetable soup 5,00 €
Quiche lorraine Ø12cm 6,00 €
Leek pie Ø12cm 6,00 €
Plate of Dry Sausage or White Jam 6,00 €
Fish and vegetables :
Tajine Végétal 11,50 €
Salmon steak with creme and potatoes 13,00 €
Mussels with creme & leek 13,00 €
Paella 11,50 €
Meat :
Potée Picarde 11,50 €
Parmentier de Canard Confit 13,00 €
Bœuf Bourguignon 11,50 €
Navarin de dinde aux légumes printaniers 11,50 €
Blanquette de volaille 11,50 €
Tartiflette 11,50 €
Cheese and dessert :
Plate with 3 types of cheese 3,50 €
Yogurt 2,00 €
Chocolate cake 3,50 €
Fresh fruit salad 3,50 €
Dessert of the day 3,00 €
18/20 rue Gastelier 72000 Le Mans
Tel: +33 (0)2 43 24 87 46